Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Memorising verses

A friend shared today how she started teaching her daughter memory verses when she was about Sarah's age (4), and how easily she learnt them. My friend and her husband started telling their daughter just little bits of Psalm 23 when was having nightmares. They encouraged her to say the verse over and over to help her go to sleep.

What a great way to help your children hide God's Word in their hearts. The only difficulty is that there are so many great verses to choose from! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I don't have to do it alone

Realised I never did a follow up post to my last one about doing it alone. Last week at one point when I was really struggling I was talking to God about doing it alone and how I'm not prepared to do it alone. I was asking questions about how to get through it.

Not long after a friend was talking with me, and she reminded me of all the people God's put in my life to support me, and of course that He is with me. I love God's timing, answering my question by reminding me that I don't have to do it alone, though sometimes I feel like I do. And as I was reminded Sunday morning, I need to listen to God's truth, not my feelings.