Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Inquisitive Kids

I love the questions kids ask. The other day Sarah asked me, 'Why do big people eat chippies with their hands and little people have to have them in a bowl?'. Good question. I explained that big people should probably use a bowl too because it's less messy.

Found this cute video on youtube - Kids' letters and questions to God. Gotta love their honesty. 'Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wouldn't it be funny if...

I've heard many mums say that they wished they'd enjoyed their kids more when they were little. There's always so much to be done. It's too easy to get so preoccupied that we forget to enjoy the time we have with our kids. We all want our kids to know we love them, but I know for me, sometimes my priorities may not show them that - sometimes cleaning up the mess first seems more important, where actually sitting down with them and reading them a story should be more important. The mess can wait!

Nicole shared some great tips on enjoying our kids more, based on a book she's been reading. One is to create memories - I want to be more intentional about that, about spending quality time with my girls.

I remembered this book that I loved when I was a kid called, 'Wouldn't it be funny if'. My brother and I used to love it so I kept it. I'm going to read it with the girls when they get home tonight. I think they'll really appreciate it now. The boy in the story thinks up all kinds of things that would be funny, like 'if people got dressed to go to bed, and went to school in their pyjamas' and 'if you could teach your teachers, and tell them off for giggling'. No doubt they'll probably make up some of their own too. Should be fun and lots of giggles.

Any other ideas for creating memories?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Sarah often asks me in the morning if she can come in my bed, it's cute how she asks for permission. Lucy's very different, she must have German blood in her, she's not really keen on cuddles and kisses, unlike Sarah.

This morning after hopping into my bed Sarah said, 'Mummy, I've done a wee on your bed'. Great. Happy Mother's Day! She's toilet trained, but at night-time still wears a nappy, and it must have leaked. At least if it was in her bed there's a mattress protector and I would have only needed to wash single sheets.

But I guess the most special present any mother could hope for is to wake up to her children and hear them say I love you and have a big cuddle. So, it has been a special morning despite the incident.