Friday, April 30, 2010

Well-loved Toys

Lucy's favourite toy is 'Ra', her lion. She loves to rub Ra's tail under her nose, and if you're really lucky (or unlucky), she'll rub Ra's tail under your nose. I was hoping to take a picture of Ra this morning before he had a wash, just to show you how well loved he is, but unfortunately I missed my opportunity as the camera battery died. Probably just as well - he really desperately needed a wash, it's very difficult to sneak him away. Besides, to get the full effect and really understand how well loved Ra is, you really need to smell him.

Lucy also has an obsession with making beds for her babies. Everywhere we go we have to take all the hand-towels and face washers I have on hand to clean up toilet-training incidents. So there are probably about 20 or so that we lug around, Lucy will then carefully arrange them in a pile and put her baby to bed. It's very cute. Yep, it's a special time of life.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Toilet Training

We've gone downhill this week with the toilet training. Sarah was doing so well until last Sunday. She'll be standing there playing and you'll suddenly hear the waterfall. Lovely. Then she'll tell me quite matter-of-factly that she's done a wee.

So this morning we drew up a chart. One of the teachers at their school suggested the idea - though I have heard of it before I haven't yet tried it myself. Every time she does a wee in the toilet instead of her pants, she'll get a sticker, and at the end of the day if she hasn't done any wees in her pants she'll get a prize (haven't figured out what that is yet though). So far, no success, another set of wet pants. Zippeddydooda (how do you spell that?).