Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lead Me Prayer

I was drawn back to the song Lead Me by Sanctus Real last night. I was having one of those I-don't-know-what-to-pray-for-my-kids moments and remembered the prayer on the website, so wanted to find it again.

Decided it'd be worth sharing. I can't figure out a way to easily copy the text, so here's part of it.

'Lead me into a greater love for your word and truth, and into a greater hunger for you, so that my children might grow up in a home where your presence is known, learning by example what it means to seek you with all of their hearts.

Above all, lead me to the cross, the place where I might receive the grace required to humbly model for my family what it means to follow in the footsteps of Christ, loving and serving them as Christ loves and serves his church.

I bow my heart before you in recognition of my utter dependence. Leading this family requires more wisdom, selflessness and strength than I possess. But as you lead me me, I know that you will show me the way to lead them.'

You can read the whole prayer on the Sanctus Real website.